Other Resources
Foundation for Inner Peace www.acim.org
The Foundation for Inner Peace published the first edition of A Course in Miracles in 1976. Through their translation program, the Course is now available in 25 languages and there are study groups around the world.
Teachers of God www.teachersofgod.org
This has a variety of offerings as well as a free online 40-day self-study program based on ACIM.
Foundation for A Course in Miracles www.facim.org
This site has a wealth of online learning materials authored by Kenneth Wapnick, who worked closely with the scribes to edit it for publication and whose teachings remain in his countless books, and digital courses. .
A Course of Love www.acourseoflove.org
This site provides an abundant overview of A Course of Love, selected chapters to preview, a concordance which allows a word search of both ACIM and ACOL, and much more
Miracle Distribution Center www.miraclecenter.org
This site maintains a helpful search tool to locate A Course in Miracles (ACIM) study group meetings around the world. It also has an ACIM Lookup Tool which allows you to search the Text, Workbook or Manual for Teachers.
Circle of Atonement www.circleofa.org
Another resource and community of students established soon after the Course was published.